Friday 25 May 2012

Favourite Five: Ayodele Arigbabu

*This is the first of a new feature that we plan to run regularly on this blog. In Favourite Five we simply ask a selection of book lovers to list their five favourite book titles.*

Ayodele Arigbabu is the publisher of DADA Books and the author of A Fistful of Tales. Ayo is a regular at the Garden City Literary Festival, where he has for several years coordinated creative writing classes for children. (We will feature a long interview with Ayo Arigbabu tomorrow, and he is also sending us pictures from the Hay Festival.)

Ayo had this to say about his Favourite Five: "I’m bad at this sort of question because I’m such a generalist and I think it’s unfair to have to choose between any of your favourites . . ."

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