Thursday 24 May 2012

Kwirkly Goes Arty

Kwirkly, a space to curate and share ideas is doing something interesting.  Some ideas hit us quickly: one is about a partnership between Wole Soyinka and MI. "Rapper MI releases a mixtape whose lyrics are made from poems of Nobel Prize winner (Literature) Wole Soyinka."

There is another interesting one about crowd-sourcing a fictional piece. "Start a crowd-source fictional story on Twitter, edited & moderated by someone like Ikhide Ikheloa or Molara Wood, where each Twitter user, after writing his/her part in 140 characters or less, mentions another person that continues the story. Each tweet is followed by a hashtag that allows the moderator to curate the whole story, which can later be downloaded free."

Kwirkly should write an idea about making literary festivals better, more accessible in Nigeria. That would be an interesting one to read.

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