Wednesday 30 May 2012

Short Story Day Africa

A celebration of African short fiction. Wednesday 20 June 2012.
For you short story lovers out there, here's something interesting, a way to get involved in the celebration of African short stories. For the ethos of the project, here (below) is what the website states:
Last year on June 21st, the shortest day of the year, we invited you to participate in Short Story Day South, a region-wide celebration of short fiction. This year on June 20th, Short Story Day goes global as once again we encourage everyone of all ages and all genders to do something in honour of the short story. This could be absolutely anything, from running a creative workshop or class, a competition, making a short film or film adaptation of a short story, organising a spoken word night, a reading, an author appearance, a literary salon, or simply picking up a short story and enjoying it, for maybe the first or the hundredth time.
Whatever it is you’re doing, we want to hear about it! Send us details of your event to, a link to your website (if applicable), and any images you have, and we’ll put it on the brand new Short Story Day website, where you can also find videos of live readings, short story recommendations, and more.
You can also participate just by following Short Story Day Africa on Twitter and Facebook. Read the press release here.

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